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Prime Minister accuses senior civil servants of being corrupt Featured

Prime Minister 'Akilisi Pohiva Prime Minister 'Akilisi Pohiva

29 January, 2018. Tonga's Prime Minister has accused senior officials of abusing their positions and not following the government vision.

'Akilisi Pohiva said some government officials did not work to the best of their ability because they didn't like him politically.

Mr Pohiva said the behaviour had to be stopped because it had caused the government to be dysfunctional.

He said the majority of people were ready to build the nation but that government was finding it difficult to move forward.

Kaniva News reported the Prime Minister as saying there was no use in the government having good policies when those who are required to implement them are corrupt.

Mr Pohiva claimed there was a political, social and business network involving members of the nobility which has "strongly influenced" officials.

He said the only projects that went well were ones that involved officials who were not corrupt.



  • Sione A Mokofisi
    Sione A Mokofisi Monday, 05 February 2018 17:23 Comment Link

    EMPTY WHINING...'ikai ha faka-kaukau 'aonga ka ko e feinga 'aki pe 'ene tukuaki'i loi holo 'a e kau ngaue "sevaniti 'a e fonua". Pango 'a e fie ngaue 'aonga 'a e kau ngaue ka ko e taki 'atamai vaivai. Fiema'u ha taki faka-potopoto, pea mo ha visione ma'a e fonua. Ko e tanaki pe 'a e fanga pone kenau faka-ilifia'i 'a e kakai mo e ngaahi pisinisi. Hamai 'a e pakupaku e 'atamai 'o e taki lautohi GPS.

  • Asaeli Nau
    Asaeli Nau Sunday, 04 February 2018 12:10 Comment Link

    Oku iai e kau taulatevolo tokolahi oku nau puke holo ho sino atamai moe laumalie e Palemia oku taimi keke fakavetevete, fakatomala pea teu ho hala ki Hevani. Kuo me’angaueaki koe e Setane pea kuo taimi ke ke fakangata koeuhi ko hoo fanau moe fanga mokopuna. Heikai teke a’usia a e api kuo teu eheetau Tamai okapau oku kei kele ho ngaahi ongo’anga kiha taha. Nofo o fakakaukau oku teeki ai ke iai a Palemia ia e puke pehe na. Oku teeki ai ke iai ha Palemia tene taki e fonua ni i ha founga ko hono ola koe tangi moe launga a e Kakai pea oku ongo ia kia Sihova he koe kakava. Manatu’i oku iai ho hako. Tukuange kei taimi a mamani koe foi tapuaki ia e inu ho hako mei he to’utangata kihe to’utangata.

  • Fine
    Fine Wednesday, 31 January 2018 21:27 Comment Link

    Kuo mahamahaki e Kapineti pea e mahamahaki ai pe mo hono fakalele oe Fonua.

  • Sii Tonga fakaofa
    Sii Tonga fakaofa Wednesday, 31 January 2018 15:52 Comment Link

    the goverment is corrupt because of you Prime Minister please step down already

  • Vavau Lahi
    Vavau Lahi Wednesday, 31 January 2018 14:27 Comment Link

    People have given him and his government the power to do what ever they want to do in order to move Tonga forward. Unfortunately, the PM and his cabinet do not know how to use that power. Incompetent or impotent ? What they can only do is just complain and do nothing about nothing. Come on 'Akili pack your nothing and back to Fakakakai!

  • Talanoa
    Talanoa Tuesday, 30 January 2018 20:15 Comment Link

    What more can I say?

  • Mark Hanson
    Mark Hanson Tuesday, 30 January 2018 08:49 Comment Link

    And what is his definition of 'corrupt'? What a pathetic cry-baby!! This is a free country and people have the freedom to choose who to like and who not to like. His ngutulau and fakamaaulau nature is popping up again, always suspicious and hu'uhu'u, but of course it takes one to know one. And what are his good policies? giving government funds to his family and friends without going through proper procurement procedures? I'm talking about Piveni and his son Siaosi, crooks like t.uata and lavu who are in control of the nation's economy. Or the good policy about tukufakatafa'aki e lao kae fai hono loto? He is such a forgetful clown. Deaf too! 'cos he can't hear what he's saying. Does he really think good people will listen to him? or support his insane and unlawful directions like giving hundreds of thousands of $$ to veni for a software that never materialised? Government officials who do not support him and his so called plans and policies are those who can see the bottomless pit that he is leading the country to. The only people who cannot see his evil plans are the likes of tilila, masima, 'oni and the dumb half-schooled idiots who keep on singing his praises without even knowing what is going on..
    Koe fa'ahinga na'e tupu pakupaku te nau kei pakupaku ai pe, pea te nau kei loto kovi ai pe a'u ki he'enau mate kihe fa'ahinga na'e hela 'enau matu'a hono ngaue'i 'enau fo'i ma.


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