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The call by the new PM elect Rev. Dr Pohiva Tui'onetoa for parliament in particular and the whole of Tonga in general to be united in the face of differences is indeed a good sign for a better Tonga. This rings true of the common saying, namely, unity in diversity and, conversely, diversity in unity. By this, reference is made to the fact that it is in our differences that we are united. A truly united Tonga (and parliament) quite simply means that all the different departments of society be given an unified independent front to fight it out in the social struggle, thereby allowing them to freely but lively function together in their differences for the overall good of all as opposed to their being subjected to a kind of total social morality. By virtue of this one-in-many, many-in-one social sentiment, the timespasce is ripe to have our unique non-self-centred plural, collectivistic, holistic and circular sense of Tongan tau'ataina (freedom) revolving around tauhiva (keeping-social-political-relations) and its hoa or pair faifatongia (performing-social-economic-obligations) blended into the highly problematically self-centred singular, individualistic, atomistic and linear sense of Western freedom (tau'ataina) in the context of democracy and capitalism as respective political and economic systems. The timespace is right too for the so-called party politics to be done away with once and for all, with both government and opposition elected from the representatives of both the nobles and people, leaving the rest of their counterparts as the so-named opposition, all of whom must now work together in their differences for the greater good of the whole of Tonga and her people.