  • One of the files that is needed for the correct operation of the System - CW Gears plugin appears to be missing! Please install a fresh copy of the latest version to fix this issue.

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TAU FŪ KI AI FAKALALAFU MO FIE'ILO...Fo'i mālie ia ke ma'u ha'a tau ki'i oli ai. Ko e "consultant" fika 'uluaki foki 'a Piveni, pea 'oku ne lavalelei 'o fai ha tohi pehé ni ki he $10,000 "consultant fee".
MARK HANSON...Kuo tau 'ulukalo ko e lahi 'enau laku mai 'a hoé ketau pago'ia ai. Tau talitaliangé pe koehā e fuoloa pea nau talimai 'a e pole'iatu ke 'omai e tatau totonu 'o e tohi mei NZ. Kuo 'osi fehu'i 'e he mitia ke tukumai ki tu'a 'a e tatau 'o e tohi mei NZ.