  • One of the files that is needed for the correct operation of the System - CW Gears plugin appears to be missing! Please install a fresh copy of the latest version to fix this issue.

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Fai mo tuku kitu'a kae nounou 'ae talanoa he kuo 'osi pule aoniu ia kihe fonua , pea 'oku si'i 'eku tui 'oku kei poto 'ae kakai 'oku nau kei tuku pe 'I loto he koe ngaahi fonua muli eni kuo tuku kitu'a 'ae fa'ahinga 'oku 'ikai ke fakafiemalie 'enau ngaue neongo honau fuhinga mata'itohi . Kae mahalo 'oku fu'u fiema'u ketau Lotu'i mo Hufaki ke fai 'ehe kau taki 'I Tonga 'ae me'a 'oku fakapotopoto taha mo lelei kihe to'utupu moe kaha'u 'oe fonua.