  • One of the files that is needed for the correct operation of the System - CW Gears plugin appears to be missing! Please install a fresh copy of the latest version to fix this issue.

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Koe konga eni ho'o vahevahe:
"...Ko e fakakaukau ko e toko 100 ‘oku sivi pea ko e toko 1 ‘oku fo’i 0, toko taha ‘oku fo’i 1, toko taha ‘oku fo’i 2, ‘o faai pehē ai pe ‘o a’u ki he toko taha ‘oku fo’i 98, toko taha ‘oku fo’i 99, pea toko taha ‘oku fo’i 100. ‘A ia ko e raw mark ‘oku fakatatau e lesoni kotoa pe pea tokua ‘oku anga tatau pe mo e anga ‘o e vahevahe ‘o e maaka..."

Oku mahino e fakakaukau oku ke omai... Ka okapau oku toko 100 e kau sivi (o hangee ko ho'o fakatata) pea ke nau taki taha kotoa he fo'i maaka meihe 0 kihe 100, ta oku fiema'u ke a'u e kau sivi ia o toko 101. Koeuhi koe kau sivi e toko 100 na'a ke fakatata 'aki, okapau e kamata meihe 0 e ngata pe maaka lahi taha ihe 99... Koe anga pe sio atu meihe tefito'i fau, ke taha'i hake e tokolahi e kau sivi kihe toko 101 ke ma'u kotoa e fo'i maaka... Pea e fenapasi lelei ange ia mo ho'o lave kimua kihe kumi e MEAN ke tanaki e 0 kihe 100 pea vahevahe aki e 101 koeuhi koe tokolahi ia oe kau sivi koe toko 101 instead of a 100 ... Kaekehe tuku ke hoko atu pe eku laulaukonga telia na'a a'u atu kihe "mean" pea moe "variance"