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This is a prime example of the saying : " Whatever is hurtful to you , do not do to any other person . " Why the smutty innuendoes and vicious insinuation going on , when it's well known to all in Government , who were the people and who was the person responsible for inciting the riot that destroyed businesses in Nukuolafa , and also cause loss of life . If there is evidence as to who is guilty ? Why a royal commission , it'll be a waist of time and money if this idea for a commission goes ahead . Take to court whoever was responsible and be done with , so that the Government can get on with the more important business of finding ways to pay back the money owed to China . This is also another example of downright scheming and malice how could someone be so gullible as to forgive another , who would one day prosecute him for being so forgiving , If Tonga cannot sort her financial problems , someone else will ???? . Don't forget it happened before , what's to stop it from happening again ?