  • One of the files that is needed for the correct operation of the System - CW Gears plugin appears to be missing! Please install a fresh copy of the latest version to fix this issue.

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Ko e me'a mahu'inga foki ia ketau sio kiai, 'oku hu e kau Nopele ki loto 'o debate pea mo paloti ma'ae issue oku kaunga kotoa pe ki he kakai o e fonua. Oku ikai kenau i loto kinautolu o feinga'i pe ha me'a kia kinautolu. Pea i heene pehee, oku tonu pe fakalea ia, ko e kau fakafofonga kotoa o e Kakai.
Ka kuo langa 'aa vahevahe 'a e kau Temokalati katuni ia 'o hange nai ia oku i loto e kau Nopele ia o fakafofonga'i o debate mo paloti'i ha issue ki ha fanga monumanu (hufanga he fakatapu).