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Si'oto'ofa Helu pea malo fau 'ae hu mai ki hotau "paenga talanoa moe talanga ke kaunga tongi e tupe kuo lafoa he felafoaki fakakaukau" 'oku fakahokoa he va / vaha'a 'oe 'aati moe saienisi moe fika fakaheliaki / faka'aati (fakapunake / fakafonua / fakasosiale) moe fika fakafika / fakasaienisi (fakanatula / fakaako / fakafilosofia).

'Oku 'ikai mahino pe na'a ke lau lelei ko a ke mahino 'ae ngaahi "lafo kuo lafoa he paenga" kae tautautefito kihe lafo 'a Nakulukilangi -- 'o hange ko ho'o fema'u ke lau lelei ke mahino ho'o lafo kae toki hoko atu -- 'aia 'oku toe lafo mai pe koe 'ae "ngaahi fo'i tupe tatau" -- 'o tukukehe ange hono fakahingoa 'ae taa'iva / vaa'ita 'oku fai ai 'ae "'ape" / "faka'ape (hypothesis) moe "matamata" / "fakamatamata" (probability) koe "confidence interval" moe fakatata na'a ke ngaue'aki.

'Oku 'iai 'ae faka'amu moe fiema'u lahi ke mahino lelei atu 'oku 'ikai fai ha "fehangahangi" moe lahi 'oe ngaahi 'uhinga na'a ke toki lafo mai mo fua lafo mai 'e Nakulukilangi 'ihe paenga -- 'o tefito he 'ape (hypothesis) moe matamata (probability) koe me'angaue / foungangaue (tool) fakafika he'ema taukave mo Tavakefai'ana -- 'aia 'oku ngaue'aki 'ehe taumu'a / kaveinga (aims / objectives) 'oe faka'eke (inquiry) moe fekumi (research) ke ma'u 'ae tatau, potupotutatau moe "faka'ofo'ofa / malie" he "'aati" moe tatau, potupotutatau moe "mo'oni" he "saienisi."

'Oku malie atu mo loloto fau 'ae vete fakafika / fakasitetisitika 'e Helu mo Nakulukilangi 'oe 'ape (hypothesis) moe matamata (probability) koe me'angaue / foungangaue (tool) 'ae 'aati moe saienisi -- KA NEONGO ia 'oku taumu'a / kaveinga kotoa pe ia he faka'eke moe fekumi ke ma'u 'ae "faka'ofo'ofa / malie" he "'aati" moe "mo'oni" he "saienisi, 'o fakatouloua he funga hono tafakatatau moe tafakapotupotutatau 'ae 'ape (hypothesis) moe matamata (probability) ke ma'u 'ae "faka'ofo'ofa / malie" he "'aati" moe "mo'oni" he saienisi he funga 'oe faka'eke moe fekumi ke ma'u 'ae fakapapau'i (certainty).

('Oku makatu'unga heni 'ae filosofi 'oe tavaism moe realism, 'aia 'oku pehe: "The dispute between ontology [that is, ways of being] and epistemology [that is, ways of knowing] is a dispute over reality as "it is" and reality as "we know it." The issue is, therefore, not how you know what you know; nor when you know what you know; nor where you know what you know; nor why you know what you know; but rather what you really know," 'aia 'oku 'uhinga kihe ma'uhinga ange 'ae "taumu'a" / "kaveinga" he "me'angaue" / "foungafai, that is, that the epistemological questions are secondary to the ontological questions).

Na'e 'ikai nai ke ngaue'aki lelei 'ehe taha 'ae kau saienitisi lahi mo 'iloa tokosi'i 'i mamani koe tangata 'Aositia-Siamane koia ko Albert Einstein 'ae 'ape (hypothesis) moe matamata (probability) he'ene faka'eke mo fekumi, filihi mo fokihi 'oe fakakaukau / teolia lahi mo 'iloa koe "theory of relativity" -- 'aia na'e ma'u mei ai 'ae "'ilo" loloto -- 'o tefito he "mo'oni" faka'univesolo -- 'aia na'e fakafuo'aki mo fakauho'aki 'ae 'ekuasi fakafika / fakasaienisi 'iloa mo malie fau koia koe, E = mc2.

(That is to say, that in reality the increase relativity in the mass (m) of a body times the speed of light squared (c2) is equal to the kinetic energy [E] of that body, which is mathematically represented in the equation E = mc2, that is, E = mc square).

Na'e 'ikai nai ke ngaue'aki lelei 'ehe punake-toutaivaka / toutaiika lahi mo 'iloa ko Ula-mo-Lea he'ene ta'anga malie mo loloto koe "Folau ki Niua" he funga 'oe 'ape (hypothesis) moe matamata (probability) he'ene hanga 'o filihi mo fokihi (elimination) he funga 'ene fakapapau'i (certainty) 'o pehe: "'Isa 'ae va 'o 'Uta mo Lalo, Ka puna ha manu pea to, Ka kuo na taha 'i hoku sino" -- 'o ne ngaue'aki 'ae 'Uta moe Lalo ki Kauhala'uta mo Kauhalalalo koe heliaki fakafekau'aki kihe T'i Tonga moe Tu'i Kanokupolu (Muifonua) he'ene 'ape (hypothesis) moe matamata (probability) he funga 'ene fifili moe fokihii ke ma'u 'ae fakapapau'i (certainty).

('Oku toe 'asi 'eni he maa'imoa ta'anga malie mo loloto 'ae Ta'ahine ko Kuini Salote -- 'aia na'a ne ngaue'aki 'ae 'ape [hypothesis] moe matamata [probability] ne tumutumu he funga 'ene filihi mo fokihi (elimination) moe fakapapau'i (certainty) -- 'o pehe: "'E Ula-mo-Leka poto 'ihe lau, Ho'o tala 'ae vaha mamao, Kuo vaofi hotau aho" -- 'o 'uhinga koe punake lahi mo takukei pea toe mohu mo fonu foki he 'ilo moe poto loloto).

Na'e 'ikai nai ke toe ngaue'aki lelei 'ehe 'atisi 'Itali lahi mo 'iloa 'o mamani katoa ko Leonardo da Vince he'ene tufunga tavalivali ongoongoa koia koe 'Monalisa" he funga 'ene 'ape (hypothesis) moe matamata (probability) moe fifili moe filihi (reflection and manipulation) 'o ma'u 'ae fakapapau'i (certainty) -- 'o hange koe, "Teu ngaue'aki 'ape 'ae vali koe pe 'ape 'ae vali koe" moe " 'oku matamata ke lelei 'ae polosi ko e kae matamata ke kovi 'ae polosi koe" moe ha fua -- 'aia 'oku fai he he funga 'ene fifili moe fokihi (reflection and elimination) 'o ma'u 'ae fakapapau'i (certainty) -- 'o fakaola koe tufunga tavalivali faka'ofo'ofa faivavale koe "Monalisa."

('Oku 'iai 'ae tala fungani mo masani 'oe toutaivaka-toutaiika lahi mo 'iloa koia ko Pahulu 'o Ha'afeva, he Lulunga moe 'Otu Mu'omu'a, he 'Otu Ha'apai, ko 'ene ta'ofi 'ae vaka 'i fanga na'e teuaki 'ene folau ki Tongatapu / Tonga'eiki / Tongalahi he'e to 'ae matangi lahi mo malohi moe lovai ka nau vilitaki pe ke nau folau 'o faingatamaki -- 'o hifo pongipongia atu 'a Pahulu ki fanga 'oku no'o mai 'ae vaka mo fasi hono fana mo mahaehae hono la -- pea na'e to ai 'ene lea 'o pehe, "'Ikai koa koe talaatu 'ehe puaka na'e fuanifo ke mou nofo ka mou taukave " -- 'o 'uhinga 'ae "puaka na'e fuanifo" kiha taha motu'a 'oku taukei lahi pea mohu mo fonu he 'ilo moe poto).

'Oku 'ikai foki ke ape (hypothesis) mo matamata (probability) 'ata'ata pe 'ae "saienisi" kae fake'eke-fekumi (inquiry-research) mo fakapapau'i (certainty) taafataha pe 'ae "'aati" -- 'o hange koe taukave 'a Helu mo Nakulukilangi -- ka 'oku 'ape (hypothesis) mo matamata (probability) mo toe faka'eke'eke-fekumi (inquiry-research) mo fakapapau'i *certainty) fakatouloua pe 'aati moe saienisi.