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Tin Can Mail - Fa'u 'a Kitione Mamata pea liliu ki he lea faka-Pilitania 'e Wendy Pond

Talangata ‘iate au ‘o fai ki tu’a atu
‘Oua na’a taku na’a kuo te fakatatau
Me’a sai tama ko e fakamanatu
Ki Tonga na kuo te kau he lau

Ka ‘aho vaka leva pea ke lau matangi
Mariposa pe Monterey ke fakafetaulaki
Tafa’anga ke ‘uta he ko hono tahi
Si’ane ‘ofa ketau ‘inasi

Fanongo he matangi Tonga ke fakamafola si’eta koloa
Tuha mo e sola ke kaimelie kau inu ‘a si’ono kona
Fēfē hono fuoloa ho’o fakangalongalo’i kita
Taha tolu e Saame ‘a Tevita

‘Out Felenitē si’ota huafa masani
Fotu si’a vūlangi ngalo keta taha ‘i he kakala ni
Mo’oni pe si’i lea kakai Tonga ni
Si’i femolimoli’i ketau ‘isasi

Tin Can Mail e ongona ma’u pe
‘A si’o ‘alu na ka teu ‘amanaki pe
Ki ha ‘aho ho’o toe ha’u koe langalanga’i manatu
Keu ‘inasi mai he monū ni kuo lau
Ta nofo pe mo ‘uta ke pau si’ota kaha’u
Si’ota matanga ko hai ‘e tangi ke lau
Ta toil mo fili ‘i si’ota mohu fakamanatu
‘E langa pe na’a kuo te si’i ngalo ‘i he manatu

Tin Can Mail

Translated by Wendy Pond

Pardon this commoner for speaking from the back bench
Don't think I presume to count myself with you
But it's a good thing for a fellow to remind
Tonga that we are part of the proceedings.

It's boat day and the subject is wind
Mariposa or Monterey, whichever we go to meet
Our outrigger sizes up the sea
And we all have our share of the bounty

We hear on the southerly broadcasts of aid
Outsiders get the sweetbreads while my drink is bitter
How much longer will you put me out of mind?
David, Psalm Thirteen.

"The Friendly Islands" is our peerless name
At the sight of a stranger you forget our common lot
There's some truth in the saying abroad in Tonga
Indeed, let's share and share alike.

Tin Can Mail, received with keen appreciation
Farewell, and I'll look forward
To the day your return jogs a memory
Hoping I'll have a share of that bounty
Pick and choose from our abundant souvenirs
Our beauty spots -- who can describe them?
We'll stay at home and consider our future
Anxious lest we slip from recollection.

Fakamatala Nounou:

Ko e ta'anga foki 'eni koe fatu 'e he punake fekau'aki mo e founga na'e tufaki 'aki 'a e meili pe ko e fetu'utaki tohi ki he motu mama'o ko Niua Fo'ou na'e ngaue 'aki hono fa'o he kapa pea fakatētē mei he ngaahi vaka lalahi 'oku nau folaua 'a e motu ni.

Na'e toki fakahoko leva hono 'ave 'e he fanga ki'i popao pe vaka 'o a'u pe ki hono kakau'i. 'Oku 'iloa foki 'a e founga ko'eni 'i mamani pea 'iloa ai mo Tonga ni kae tautautefito ki hono 'iloa 'aki 'a Niua Fo'ou 'a e Tin Can Mail Island.


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